About five years ago, my son Sam and I took a surfing trip to Siargao, Philippines. Continue reading “The Best Burger I Ever Ate—and the Life Lesson It Taught Me”
Waiting – It Isn’t as Passive as it Sounds: Ruth Chou Simons
By: Laura Bennett
For many of us, life can feel like an endless series of hurdles, tasks and ultimately, waiting. Continue reading “Waiting – It Isn’t as Passive as it Sounds: Ruth Chou Simons”
Our Deepest Desires – And Planning Towards Them
By: Brian Harris
It was a mentoring conversation, and while obviously with a specific person, I had the feeling I had heard it many times before. We were starting with the important Steven Covey insight, “begin with the end in mind”. Continue reading “Our Deepest Desires – And Planning Towards Them”
Promise, Challenge and Task: 3 Helpful Reminders From Joshua
By: Brian Harris
I’m due to preach on Joshua as a one off message in a series exploring interesting Bible characters. Continue reading “Promise, Challenge and Task: 3 Helpful Reminders From Joshua”
Purpose: The Key to a Thriving Community
By: Helping Hands TV
“Your entire life depends on the quality of the community or communities you associate yourself with and create,” says Adam McCurdie, founder and CEO of Humanitix. Continue reading “Purpose: The Key to a Thriving Community”
What Does it Mean to Be Successful?
By: Helping Hands TV
Many people aspire to be successful without first defining what success means to them, and how to achieve it. Continue reading “What Does it Mean to Be Successful?”
What Does it Mean to Live With Purpose?
By: Helping Hands TV
Purpose is a fundamental factor of happiness. Many people, at different stages of life, ask, What is my purpose? Continue reading “What Does it Mean to Live With Purpose?”
The DNA of a Purpose-Led Business
By: Helping Hands
A purpose-led business balances profit and purpose in a way that allows the business to grow while making a positive impact. Continue reading “The DNA of a Purpose-Led Business”
Because You Are Called
By: Brian Harris
Through some slightly unusual circumstances I’ve been asked to preach on the same topic (at different churches) for a few weeks in a row. Continue reading “Because You Are Called”
The Psychological Impacts of Retirement
By: Monica Jacob
“I cannot wait to retire and put my feet up!” How many times has this thought crossed your mind, when you have one of those days at work? One of those days where everything seems to be falling to pieces. Continue reading “The Psychological Impacts of Retirement”