Standing Together Through Snuggle Season

by:  Susan Holt

“Snuggle season”.  That’s what I call winter.  It’s the time of year when the uggies are thrown on (and sometimes worn in public!), the blankets come out and all the winter woollies get first pick from the wardrobe.

I’ve recently become very aware that I’m afforded the privilege of having winter as my favourite season as someone with a safe home.

Across Australia, 3000 people are expected to reach out to homeless services, such as Mission Australia, in the next hour.  Around 122,000 people are experiencing homelessness, many of them Australia’s hidden homeless, on any given night.  

Hearing these numbers can feel overwhelming.  Mission Australia, however, are unswerving in their passion to serve the needs of these Australians, moving each one towards independence.

Mission Australia stand with individuals and families across the country to provide practical support, find suitable housing and target the main known causes of homelessness in a bid to prevent more people facing a night without a safe home.  

As such, we are standing together with Mission Australia whose founding purpose is, “Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God.”

Right now you can share your stories of how someone has stood with you through a difficult time, just as Mission Australia does with Australians in need.  

Mission Australia believes homelessness can be ended in Australia.   This instils great hope in me that one day, all Australians will be safe and warm throughout snuggle season.

To pray for the work of Mission Australia and find out more, click here.

Voting is Now Open for the 2024 People’s Choice Awards

by Kim Wilkinson

You have the power to decide who will be Australia’s favourite Christian Artists for 2024.

What does your favourite Christian music mean to you? Does it help you connect with God? Bring you peace? Or simply help you get through the day?

Now it’s your chance to vote for your favourite Christian artist.

Voting is open now – and will remain open until 5pm, Friday 16th August, 2024.

See who has been nominated and cast your vote for both your favourite Aussie and International artist.

The People’s Choice is a ’listener voted’ category in the Annual CMAA Excellence in Media Awards, celebrating the excellence, innovation and creativity of Christians in Media and Media Arts across Australia and New Zealand.

The People’s Choice Award is broken into two categories, Australian and International Christian Music Artists, with the top 5 artists being those who were the most played on radio in the past 12 months.*

The People’s Choice winners will be announced live from the Gold Coast at the Annual CMAA Excellence in Media Awards Tuesday evening, 24th September.

Cast your vote now!

*In the spirit of championing a wide number of artists, winners of this category from the previous year take a 12 month hiatus from being nominated

Article thanks to Christian Media and Arts Australia