The Power of Choice: Why Autonomy Is the Most Effective Motivator

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By: Michael McQueen

More than any other point in history, our era idolises the individual. Especially in the West, our ideals, advertising and algorithms place the individual at centre stage of their own lives. Laws, instructions and requests that once would have been seen as serving the greater good are now likely to be interpreted as fundamental threats to freedom and autonomy. Continue reading “The Power of Choice: Why Autonomy Is the Most Effective Motivator”

The Tech Trends for 2022: What Is Coming?


By: Michael McQueen

With the last couple of years boasting an unrivalled pace of change, 2022 is approaching with promise of further transformations in the way we live, work and shop. With global crises exposing inefficiencies and issues of remote living raising demands for new solutions, technological innovations have been quickly adopted by businesses and are set to continue taking over our work and play. Continue reading “The Tech Trends for 2022: What Is Coming?”