Blockchain May Bring Greater Levels of Financial Equality

a physical ethereum coin on white surface

By: Michael McQueen

Recent years have seen cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin and Etherium attract enormous attention and fascination. While early investors in these currencies made small fortunes overnight (Bitcoin’s value soared over 70% in 2020 alone), what the fever-pitched excitement over cryptocurrencies overshadowed was the more important technological transformation being driven by blockchain. Continue reading “Blockchain May Bring Greater Levels of Financial Equality”

How Social Media Is Capitalising on Its Youngest Users

two girls in their late teens / early 20s on their phones

By: Michael McQueen

Years ago, social media well and truly lived up to its name. Platforms which enabled the easy exchange of photos and statuses, these media allowed individual engagement for purely social purposes. The last decade has seen social media evolve into something much more overwhelming, addictive and ultimately lucrative than their original ‘social’ role, especially as their most native users have grown up into their most powerful and profitable consumers. Continue reading “How Social Media Is Capitalising on Its Youngest Users”

How the Emerging Economy Will Get You a Better Gig

woman sits at an outdoor table with laptop and cup of tea

By: Michael McQueen

While trends are known to come and go, it is not often you see the economy come full circle. Over 100 years ago, before the turn of the century and the advent of the Industrial Revolution, the notion of a salary was not commonplace. Some estimate that as little as 10% of workers had one, the rest of the population surviving off what we would now refer to as the ‘gig economy’. Continue reading “How the Emerging Economy Will Get You a Better Gig”