7 Strategies for When Your Child Accidentally Finds Pornography

By: Dr Justin Coulson | Happy Families

Many experts view pornography as a public health crisis, especially because of the way that it impacts children and young people. According to the UK Office of the Children’s Commissioner, “Basically… porn is everywhere.” Their analysis of research into the impact of pornography on children was conducted in 2013, and confirms several concerning things: Continue reading “7 Strategies for When Your Child Accidentally Finds Pornography”

We’re All Just Making It Up As We Go Along (Even This ‘Parenting Expert’)

By: Dr Justin Coulson | Happy Families

Have you read The Barefoot Investor? It was the number 1 non-fiction book in Australia last year – all about finance. In his introduction to the book Scott Pape, the author, describes the day his family lost their Victorian bushland home to a fire. As they surveyed the damage, he said his first thought was: “I’ve got this.” He knew that despite the drama, he had his financial security sorted and could get his family through. Continue reading “We’re All Just Making It Up As We Go Along (Even This ‘Parenting Expert’)”