You may have noticed a really big difference between children and grown-ups. No I’m not talking about the physical size difference, or the more obvious maturity that most adults have compared to their kids. I’m talking about our approach to life. Continue reading “How to Play with your Kids – and Enjoy It”
How Do I Deal with My Child’s Sensitivity and Anxiety?
Instead of toughening our children up, let’s develop that sensitivity and find ways to support their resiliency at the same time. It is possible to be sensitive and resilient.
Continue reading “How Do I Deal with My Child’s Sensitivity and Anxiety?”
Ask Dr Justin — How Do I Teach My Child Not to Swear?
Hi Dr Justin,
How do you teach a child not to swear when swearing is everywhere – on television, on YouTube and even occasionally from their parents! My daughter thinks it’s ok to say frigging as it’s not the “real” word. Continue reading “Ask Dr Justin — How Do I Teach My Child Not to Swear?”
7 Things to Say to Boost Your Child’s Self Esteem
Self-esteem means liking who you are, and feeling like you’re “ok”. Having high levels of self-esteem is correlated with better outcomes in life – especially for our children. Kids with high self-esteem are more satisfied with life, have better relationships, do better in school, and are physically and mentally healthier. But this doesn’t mean that self-esteem causes these things. In fact, it could be the other way around: these things might cause self-esteem! Continue reading “7 Things to Say to Boost Your Child’s Self Esteem”
How To Talk To Your Children About Death
By: Dr Justin Coulson | Happy Families
Our family recently experienced the death of three close family members or friends of the family. We would like to know what to say to our children. They all seem to be responding differently, but none of them are dealing with it well. Our children are 11 (boy), 8 (boy), and 3 (girl). Continue reading “How To Talk To Your Children About Death”
Channelling the Inner Batman
“If you do what I ask you to, you’ll get a gold star on the reward chart.”
“No treats until you’ve done your job.”
“We’re not going to the park if you won’t do what you’re told!” Continue reading “Channelling the Inner Batman”
What Your Kids Need When They Don’t Do What They’re Asked
By: Dr Justin Coulson | Happy Families
Dear Dr Justin,
My children don’t do anything they’re told. I’ve tried everything. I withdraw privileges and use time out and even smacking them won’t work with them. I’m tired of yelling. Nothing works no matter what I do to them. I’m seriously over it. I have a girl whose 3, a boy whose 8, and a girl who is 11. Continue reading “What Your Kids Need When They Don’t Do What They’re Asked”
5 Ways to Set Screen Time Limits With Your Children
The latest research from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) tells us that most Aussie kids (around two-thirds) are using their screens significantly more than expert guidelines suggest is healthy. Continue reading “5 Ways to Set Screen Time Limits With Your Children”
How to Turn Your Anger Around
Do you lose your cool with your kids? Do you feel like you’re constantly yelling?
In this week’s podcast episode I share my top 4 tips for keeping our anger in check, staying calm and being kind to our children (even when we think they don’t deserve it). Continue reading “How to Turn Your Anger Around”
How to Teach Your Child to Think About Others
By: Dr Justin Coulson | Happy Families
When it comes to discipline, there are two schools of thought.
Some parents think discipline is about punishment. They believe the best way to teach children to learn the lessons of life is to hurt them. They use time-out, they withdraw privileges, they ground their kids, and in many cases they even hit them. Continue reading “How to Teach Your Child to Think About Others”