By: Stephen McAlpine
The US just celebrated National Fast Food Day. Go figure! Continue reading “Fast Food? Jesus Would Make a Meal Out of It”
Content Provision for Member Stations
By: Stephen McAlpine
The US just celebrated National Fast Food Day. Go figure! Continue reading “Fast Food? Jesus Would Make a Meal Out of It”
By: City Bible Forum
When we work in a team, they hand out duties. They hand out the first aid duty, they hand out the occupational work and health duty, and then they hand out the fire warden duty. Continue reading “What Would Jesus Say to Leaders?”
By: Sam Chan
What is “sin”? Jesus might explain this way – “You know how if you drink a single origin espresso you look down on the person drinking the instant coffee? Well … that’s sin.” Continue reading “What Shall We Do About Our Coffee Snobbery?”
We all like a good celebration – a reason to rejoice – especially when it is something to do with us that is being celebrated! Continue reading “The Reason to Rejoice”
There are many people who try to get rid of the Cross, and in many different ways, and not all of them are atheists. Continue reading “Getting Rid of the Cross”
By: yesHEis
History has been filled with famous preachers and evangelists who have shared Jesus with millions of people around the world. Billy Graham held huge rallies with an ocean of people in attendance and thousands of people choosing Jesus. Continue reading “Life On Mission is About Three Simple Things”
By: Stephen McAlpine
The Queen has met the King. Continue reading “The Day the Queen Met the King”
By: Danni Synot
Every scar has a story….I’ve got a heap of them, one from having my appendix out, three from my gall bladder surgery, one from a swing set, another from a can of dog food, one from a kitchen sink, and a ton of stretch marks from having 4 kids! Not exactly model material I can tell you!
By: Sam Chan
Oooooh I love vegemite! Continue reading “Why the World Hates Vegemite”
By: Sam Chan
The movie “Elvis” starts with Baz Luhrmann’s motto: “A life lived in fear is a life half lived.” Continue reading “Why You Mustn’t Miss the Start of Baz Luhrmann’s ‘Elvis’”