By: Sabrina Peters
A happy marriage requires grace, forgiveness and the constant pursuit of inner peace and contentment. Continue reading “Happily Ever After is a Choice”
Content Provision for Member Stations
By: Sabrina Peters
A happy marriage requires grace, forgiveness and the constant pursuit of inner peace and contentment. Continue reading “Happily Ever After is a Choice”
By: Yvette Cherry
“Listen to this, Job; stop and consider God’s wonders. Do you know how God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash? Do you know how the clouds hang poised, those wonders of him who has perfect knowledge?” Job 37:14-16 NIV Continue reading “Awe Struck Wonder: Seeing God in the Every-Day Moment”
By: Elaine Fraser
Awareness of the divine begins with wonder – Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
I sit in a café and watch a little girl play with her toys. ‘Wow!’ Her voice is filled with wonder. She’s focused, she’s smiling, and her eyes are filled with amazement. Continue reading “Radical Wonder”