I’m excited to tell you that I belong to Generation For Ever! What generation do you belong to? Just in case you don’t remember all the different terms for recent generations, they go like this: Continue reading “‘Generation For Ever’ – When You Follow Jesus”
The Influences Shaping Gen Alpha, and Why Their Future Is Bright
By: McCrindle
Generation Alpha describes the generation born between the years of 2010 and 2024. While the times affect us all, the impacts are greater when experienced in our formative years. Continue reading “The Influences Shaping Gen Alpha, and Why Their Future Is Bright”
How Australia Could Fix Its Aged Care Workforce Challenge: Report
By: Amy Cheng
Australia will not have enough aged care workers within the next decade unless urgent action is taken to boost the workforce, a report has found. Continue reading “How Australia Could Fix Its Aged Care Workforce Challenge: Report”
A Balanced Approach to Parenting in the 21st Century
By: McCrindle
Those tasked with the important job of parenting today’s children are likely to be those of Generations X and Y. They are parenting their children (Gen Z and Gen Alpha) in different ways to how they themselves were parented. Continue reading “A Balanced Approach to Parenting in the 21st Century”
Millennials and the Quest for the Great Australian Dream
By: McCrindle
Breaking into the housing market is a hot topic amongst today’s younger generations with many bemoaning the skyrocketing house prices, rising cost of living and low wage growth. So is Generation Y better or worse off than their parents’ generation? Continue reading “Millennials and the Quest for the Great Australian Dream”
Do You Have Generational Gaps in Life-Skills?
By: Jenny Baxter
Generational Gaps: Who would have thought what your grandparents didn’t know makes a difference to you?
Continue reading “Do You Have Generational Gaps in Life-Skills?”
Hey Christian: It’s Not OK To Say “OK Boomer”
By: Stephen McAlpine
Speaking as a cynical, grumpy ex-Gothic X-Generation boy who all the other generations despise, let me say this: If you’re a Christian, it’s not OK to say “OK Boomer”
Continue reading “Hey Christian: It’s Not OK To Say “OK Boomer””
Generation Z @ the #polls
By: Rebecca Hall
With a federal election taking place soon, understanding the perspectives of Generation Zs (born 1995-2009) is important as there are more eligible to vote for the first time.
Generation Z comprise 18.8% (4,693,341) of Australia’s total population. The proportion of Generation Zs within the age of voting eligibility (18-23 y/o) represents 11.9% (1,993,872) of Australia’s eligible voting population.* Almost three quarters of a million (728,828) who were not old enough to vote in the 2016 election are now 18 or older.
In NSW, of the 5 million eligible voters (5,336,874), there are now 630,241 Generation Zs who are old enough to vote. More than double that of the last election in March 2015 (338,022).
What influences their vote?
To understand what influences Generation Z’s vote, it is important to first understand who they are and what influences them. For Generation Z, coming of age in the 21st Century has created a unique generation that has been influenced by the Global Financial Crisis to growing cultural diversity, from global brands to social media and a digital world.
Generation Z are the most materially endowed, technologically saturated and formally educated generation our world has ever seen. On average they will live longer, stay in education later, and work across more careers than any prior generation. All these characteristics will affect how they vote.
In the nearly 24 years of their lifespan they have seen more change than any cohort before them. They began their life in the internet era but are being shaped in the world of mobile devices and social media. With the youngest entering their teen years, their lexicons are filled with terms that didn’t exist at their birth: apps, tweets, memes, tablets, smartphones and cloud computing. The confluence of these trends has so transformed their society. It is radically different to the times that shaped their parents’ and unrecognisable to the world their grandparents first knew.
For politicians looking for this emerging generation’s vote, it would benefit to understand their defining attributes. Observing is key to engaging this post-literate, multi-modal and tech-savvy generation.
Australia’s Generation Z, coming of age in the 21st Century, are alive at an amazing time in human history. Being at the start of their lives, they have amazing opportunities. Unimaginable just a generation ago. They respond to a leadership style of consensus and collaboration rather than structure and hierarchy. Their perspectives are global. It is social influence not just expert advice that shapes them. This is significantly different from what the politicians standing for election have experienced.
Understanding the worldviews of their younger constituents will be a challenge but one that can be overcome.
“This generation of young Australians are tuned in to political activism but tuned out to traditional politics,” states Social Researcher Mark McCrindle. “The challenge for today’s politicians is to engage with this generation who are democratically empowered but outside of the democratic voting process.”
*Eligible voting population comprise of Australian citizens who are 18 years old and above.
Article supplied with thanks to McCrindle.
About the Author: McCrindle are a team of researchers and communications specialists who discover insights, and tell the story of Australians – what we do, and who we are.
Yvonne Griese – A Cross in Time: Where Does Our Faith Come From?
By: Laura Bennett
There’s a lot of conflicting emotions when your own habits start to remind you of your parents’. The horror of turning into an adult like them mixes with a sense of pride in the strength of your DNA. It’s excitingly tribal and depressing all at the same time. Continue reading “Yvonne Griese – A Cross in Time: Where Does Our Faith Come From?”
Echoes in Eternity
By: Yvonne Griese
“What we do in life, echoes in eternity” – Gladiator. It’s one of the greatest and most profound movie quotes of all time.
It’s also true that what we do in life, echoes through generations and into their eternity. Continue reading “Echoes in Eternity”