How Death-Anxiety Impacts on Mental Health, and How to Live Life to the Full

Hour glass with blue sand

By: Michelle Nortje

“Death, however, does itch. It itches all the time. It is always with us, scratching at some inner door. Mirroring, softly, barely audibly, just under the membrane of consciousness. Hidden in disguise, leaking out in a variety of symptoms. It is the wellspring of many of our worries, stresses, and conflicts” Continue reading “How Death-Anxiety Impacts on Mental Health, and How to Live Life to the Full”

Fear Not

close up image of half a man's face staring boldly straight ahead without fear

By: yesheis

In a relationship with Jesus we can have many life-changing experiences, but there are voices and opinions that say it’s not cool to talk about it. Whether something is said or merely implied, many Christians end up feeling afraid to tell people about Jesus and stop sharing altogether. Continue reading “Fear Not”