Most little girls grow up dreaming of being a mum, but probably none dream of becoming a stepmum.
My Christian Marriage is More Important Than My Same Sex Attraction
Author: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House
Colin has same sex attraction. He describes it as something he has, rather than who he is. It doesn’t define him.
Continue reading “My Christian Marriage is More Important Than My Same Sex Attraction”
The Star – Coming to Cinemas this November
Author: Movies Change People
Experience the story of the first Christmas from an entirely new perspective. Continue reading “The Star – Coming to Cinemas this November”
5 Tips to Make Minimalism Work for Your Family
Right now, small is big. Minimalism is popular everywhere: tiny houses, 30-item wardrobes, basic food diets and simpler lifestyles. Continue reading “5 Tips to Make Minimalism Work for Your Family”
Compassion Fatigue: What is It and What to Do About It?
If you’re a youth worker, expect to face compassion fatigue sometime. Keep it at bay with good self-care habits, including supervision.
Continue reading “Compassion Fatigue: What is It and What to Do About It?”
Chill, Mum and Dad: the Digital Age Isn’t All Bad
Are parents right to be concerned about the dangers their children face in our increasingly digital world? Psychologist Kirrilie Smout is a reassuring voice for parents.
Continue reading “Chill, Mum and Dad: the Digital Age Isn’t All Bad”
Finding Healing from Sexual Assault
In this two-part podcast, Focus On The Family examine the horrors of sexual assault and how survivors can find new hope and healing from God. Continue reading “Finding Healing from Sexual Assault”
Salt – Is it Good or Bad?
Salt has been used to flavour and preserve food for pretty much as long as humans have been on this earth. Before salt became readily available it was as valuable as gold and used as a form of currency. Continue reading “Salt – Is it Good or Bad?”
The Marriage Debate: Why History, Society and Religion Regard it as Heterosexual
Author: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House.
Heterosexual marriage has been a building block of society for thousands of years.
Ancient history tells us that while same sex relationships have been evident in many civilisations, including Greek and Roman cultures, there was never a question of calling such relationships marriage. Continue reading “The Marriage Debate: Why History, Society and Religion Regard it as Heterosexual”
Raising Great Kids by Setting Boundaries
Setting healthy boundaries for your kids is hard, but you can do it! Hear how being a “mean” mum in the eyes of your children allows you to raise healthy, God-honouring kids. Continue reading “Raising Great Kids by Setting Boundaries”