By: Sabrina Peters
Brain chemicals, often referred to as neurotransmitters, help facilitate communication within the brain and body. Continue reading “Understanding Your Brain Chemicals”
Content Provision for Member Stations
By: Sabrina Peters
Brain chemicals, often referred to as neurotransmitters, help facilitate communication within the brain and body. Continue reading “Understanding Your Brain Chemicals”
It’s been estimated that there are 2,350 verses in the Bible about money and generosity. Continue reading “What Our Attitude to Money Reveals About Our Heart”
By: Jennifer Chu
In today’s image-obsessed society, the constant flood of flawless, airbrushed celebrity images sets unattainable beauty standards, leaving many people feeling insecure and dissatisfied with their appearance. Continue reading “An Epidemic of Image and Appearance Insecurities: 6 Tips”
By: yesHEis
Conversations about faith and religion always bring important questions and objections to the surface. Continue reading “When People Have Objections to Jesus – What to Do”
By: Stephen McAlpine
I was walking down George Street in Sydney today when I saw it – this wonderful sign of the modern times that we live in. Continue reading “Newphoria, Oldphobia, and the Antidote”
By: Michael Crooks
Leaders and followers of religions across Australia have come together for the common cause of saving a warming planet.
Continue reading ““Stop it Now”: Faith Communities Rally for Change”
By: The Centre for Effective Serving
Missionary children, or “MKs,” as they are sometimes referred to, grow up in an international, highly intercultural environment. Continue reading “The Missionary Kid Experience”
By: Russ Matthews
A family film incorporating an underdog tale with an adorable mutt as the protagonist and a determined little girl trying to save the family farm, is destined to be a hit. Continue reading “Craig Silvey’s Bestseller Hits the Big Screen in ‘Runt’”
By: Laura Bennett
What’s your definition of healthy masculinity? Continue reading “What Is ‘Healthy Masculinity’?”
By: Russ Matthews
Jesus said in John 14 – Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. Continue reading “Is Believing in Myself Enough?”