I’m Not Surprised Muhammad Rejected Jesus’ Story: Following Him is Humiliating


By: Tania Harris

Two weeks in Turkey recently left me wondering how a land so steeped in Christian history became 98% Muslim. In the first century, this was the area of Asia Minor, famous for Paul’s extraordinary missionary journeys and landmark churches such as Ephesus and Philadelphia. Today Turkish cities are populated with mosques rather than cathedrals and minarets rather than steeples punctuate the skylines. Continue reading “I’m Not Surprised Muhammad Rejected Jesus’ Story: Following Him is Humiliating”

Worship and Relationship

relationship with Jesus

By: Susan Browning

Worship can’t exist without relationship – when you love something or someone you spend time with them, when you adore someone you lavish love on them. Worship simply means to place value or worth on something or someone. Ways we place worth-ship on someone is through compliments, praise, adoration, affirmation. We can only feel all those things through knowing someone, we can only know someone if we spend time in their presence. Continue reading “Worship and Relationship”

Heaven is a Symphony Playing All Around You. Here Are Three Ways to Hear it


By: Sheridan Voysey

I was once asked to do a radio debate with an atheist. One of the criticisms my counterpart raised was that Christianity had been reduced to a faith that was only interested in getting people to heaven, instead of a faith that changed this life too. While the criticism wasn’t entirely fair (it’s hard to think of an institution today that hasn’t been founded or shaped by the faith), I had to agree that in some cases she was right. Christianity is so much more than getting people ‘up there’, even if some televangelists would have you think otherwise. Continue reading “Heaven is a Symphony Playing All Around You. Here Are Three Ways to Hear it”