By: Sabrina Peters
If you think God can’t use you, open your Bible and be reminded he can use anyone! Continue reading “If God Can Use Them, God Can Use You”
Content Provision for Member Stations
By: Sabrina Peters
If you think God can’t use you, open your Bible and be reminded he can use anyone! Continue reading “If God Can Use Them, God Can Use You”
By: Sheridan Voysey
I write this with a heavy heart, as heavy as yours may already be from the revelations of Ravi Zacharias’ hidden life. If you hadn’t heard of him, Zacharias was considered one of this era’s greatest Christian apologists. If you haven’t heard the news, an independent investigation found he had systematically groomed vulnerable women over many years, plying them with attention and gifts, obligating them to return sexual favours, threatening them should they ever tell. Continue reading “Healing the Wounds of Jesus’ Followers”
By: Sabrina Peters
God’s promises are not isolated or independent from us, but actually very much intertwined with us. Continue reading “God’s Promises Still Require Our Participation”
By: Sabrina Peters
God’s no dictator, he won’t force his way into any area of your life. He’ll wait until he’s invited. Continue reading “God’s No Dictator, He’ll Only Go Where He’s Invited”
A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. Continue reading “Bringing a Friend to Jesus”
By: Sabrina Peters
It’s so easy to let fear dictate your life. I know, because so often I find myself doing just that. I let the fear of failure stop me from stepping out. I let the fear of man control my self-esteem. I let the fear of an unknown future paralyse me from enjoying the present. Continue reading “3 Reasons to Fight Fear”
By: Laura Bennett
For hundreds of years, Christians and those curious about following Jesus have used the Bible as a text to live by. Although, with a combination of books, prose style and cultural nuances it can be a complicated read that takes time to interpret well. Continue reading “200 Millions Views: BibleProject Founders Captivating World”
Whenever people are afraid and when their faith is wavering, and they ask Jesus a “knowledge” question, he never answers with a “knowledge” answer. Jesus always answers with an invitation to enter into a deeper relationship with him. Continue reading “Do You Know God, or Just Know About Him?”
By: Sabrina Peters
Since the beginning of time human beings have been stumbling their way through life. Making mistakes and missing the mark. The truth is, God doesn’t expect you or I to be perfect, but He does give us a free will to turn to Him or away when we fall short. Continue reading “What “Not” to Do When You Make a Mistake”
By: Steve Grace
Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. – 2 Corinthians 3: