The (Dying) Art of Introduction


By: Yvette Cherry

This is the scenario: you’re attending the 5th birthday party of a kid from your kid’s class (you can’t leave because you’re still in that super awkward stage of supervised play dates with strangers) OR you’re standing in the foyer of your church after the service ends OR you’re at a professional development gathering with a bunch of colleagues. (Choose one.) Continue reading “The (Dying) Art of Introduction”

Family Feud, Folding the Washing and Making a Fresh Start

new year

By: Yvette Cherry

I love Family Feud and I like to think I’m quite good at it. I’m better at Wheel of Fortune though. Even when I was nine years old I could guess all the phrases without any of the letters. One year my neighbour Shelley applied to be on Wheel of Fortune and I was more than a little jealous. I laughed when she told me how she had to climb the fence at Channel Ten because she was late for her audition, but deep down I was just a festering ball of envy. Continue reading “Family Feud, Folding the Washing and Making a Fresh Start”