When thinking of iconic tv shows portraying a typical workplace, most people’s go-to would be The Office. Continue reading “Engineering a Fairer Workplace”
Our Brains Aren’t Ready for Pandemic Fatigue – But There’s Hope, Says Psychologist
By: Amy Cheng
Restrictions have been lifting around the country and lockdowns seem like a thing of the past, but pandemic fatigue still exists, a psychologist has said. Continue reading “Our Brains Aren’t Ready for Pandemic Fatigue – But There’s Hope, Says Psychologist”
She’s A Crowd: Making Cities Safer for Women Around the World
By: Micaela Aboody
Sharing a story you haven’t felt comfortable telling before and realising you’re supported – and believed – is one of the most important steps in healing, and a crowd-mapping platform is changing the game. Continue reading “She’s A Crowd: Making Cities Safer for Women Around the World”
Women’s Justice and Mercy Ministries: Celebrating the Church’s Unsung Heroes
By: Amy Cheng
Women are often the unsung heroes in the church, with their work behind the scenes often going unnoticed, but a new podcast and ebook are hoping to change that.
Continue reading “Women’s Justice and Mercy Ministries: Celebrating the Church’s Unsung Heroes”
Dr Katrina Clifford Helping Change Problematic College Cultures for Women
By: Amy Cheng
International Women’s Day (IWD), Tuesday 8 March, is an opportunity to celebrate women but also to lament about how women have been treated, an academic and mentor to young women has said.
Continue reading “Dr Katrina Clifford Helping Change Problematic College Cultures for Women”
The Clearing
By: Neri Morris
Who doesn’t love a little creative writing? I haven’t written this way in a while so it came as a bit of a surprise when I sat down to process something that had resurfaced in my life and this is what flowed. May its ambiguity and symbolism connect with your own story, those moments where something you thought was well and truly dead, resurfaces and you are paralysed by the loaded question of “one step forward or one step back?”
The Six Biggest Money Challenges Faced by Women
By: Ally Barnes
Helen Baker is a financial planner and the founder of On Your Two Feet. She has just released The Essential Guide to Financial Independence for all Women because “women often react, but they need to plan”. Continue reading “The Six Biggest Money Challenges Faced by Women”
Jamila Rizvi on Giving Women Their “Work Confidence” Back
By: Ally Barnes
Women face many challenges re-entering the workforce after extended periods of time off. Continue reading “Jamila Rizvi on Giving Women Their “Work Confidence” Back”
Movie Challenge: International Day of the Girl
By: Ally Barnes
With three daughters and two granddaughters, Reel Dialogue’s Russ Matthews has seen his share of princess movies and films that celebrate girls. This is his list of recommended films to watch to celebrate International Day of the Girl on October 11. Continue reading “Movie Challenge: International Day of the Girl”
6 Surprising Facts About the Proverbs 31 Woman (Virtuous Woman)
Photo by Edward Cisneros on Unsplash.
By: Brittany Ann
“What is a Proverbs 31 Woman?” Continue reading “6 Surprising Facts About the Proverbs 31 Woman (Virtuous Woman)”