Friends, I Beg You: Stop Passing on Covid Information You’re Not Qualified to Understand

By: Sheridan Voysey

I recently posted on Facebook about getting my second Oxford AstraZeneca jab. As you may know, my wife has been the Lead Statistician on the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine and I’ve seen close-up the exhausting work done and sacrifices made by medical researchers getting this and other Covid-19 vaccines into the world. Continue reading “Friends, I Beg You: Stop Passing on Covid Information You’re Not Qualified to Understand”

In a COVID World, Do I Still Need a Regular Flu Jab?

By: Laura Bennett

Ordinarily at this time of year, cases of seasonal influenza are beginning to pop up and people are deciding whether or not to get the current flu vaccine. Although, with COVID dominating much of the headlines, it seems this time round many of us are disinterested in protecting ourselves against the more common flu virus. Continue reading “In a COVID World, Do I Still Need a Regular Flu Jab?”

Christians Have a Right to Question COVID-19 Vaccines, But Oxford Trials Aren’t Tainted

By: Clare Bruce

Two leading Christian medical ethicists believe there’s nothing morally wrong with accepting a coronavirus vaccine made using foetal cell lines from an abortion, if there aren’t alternatives – but that people of faith have every right to ask questions, and push for options. Continue reading “Christians Have a Right to Question COVID-19 Vaccines, But Oxford Trials Aren’t Tainted”