By: Laura Bennett
Has this new school year felt overwhelming? The shock of new routines, new teachers and managing family calendars can be exhausting. Continue reading “School Overwhelming? Collett Smart’s Parenting Hacks”
Content Provision for Member Stations
By: Laura Bennett
Has this new school year felt overwhelming? The shock of new routines, new teachers and managing family calendars can be exhausting. Continue reading “School Overwhelming? Collett Smart’s Parenting Hacks”
By: Jess Drummond
Simplify school lunches with time-saving tips, budget-friendly tricks, and nutritious meal ideas that kids will actually eat. Continue reading “School Lunchbox Hacks: Easy, Nutritious Solutions for Busy Parents”
By: Helping Hands TV
The greatest desire for any parent of school-aged kids at this time of year is for their children to start the school year confident and happy. Continue reading “Starting the New School Year Well – Tips For Parents”
By: Mark McCrindle
In the film School of Rock, Dewey Finn, played by Jack Black, exemplifies the power of engagement and belonging in a school community. Continue reading “How to Spot a Highly Engaged School Community”
By: Ben McEachen
Christian schools in Australia are under threat. Continue reading “Have Your Say About Possible Changes to Faith-Based Schools”
By: McCrindle
Teachers play a vital role in society. They are at the forefront of equipping the next generation with the skills they need to thrive. Continue reading “The Great Teacher Exodus: Tackling Burnout in the Education Sector”
By: Amy Cheng
Starting school for the first time can be scary for both a child and their parents, however, an academic specialising in early childhood education has come up with a simple recipe to make that transition easier.
Continue reading “Starting School Well: the ABCs of Transitioning to School”
By: Steff Willis
An independent evaluation will assess the effectiveness of chaplaincy in supporting the wellbeing of school students and the broader school community. Continue reading “Review of Funding for School Chaplaincy Underway”
By: City Bible Forum
For most of this year, my wife and I have been agonising over whether to send our first born, nearly 4-year-old son, to a public or an independent religious school. Continue reading “Want Your Kids to Do Well in School? Send Them to Church First!”
By: McCrindle
The education sector provides the framework to educate and prepare Australia’s future generations. The magnitude of this impact warrants investigating and understanding the key trends affecting the education sector.