Don’t Give in to Social Pressure to Drink and Drive This Holiday Season, Says Road Safety CEO

a long straight road

By: Laura Bennett

The Christmas and summer holiday season is always a busier one on our roads but, this year, there’s likely to be even more road-trippers as local getaways become the main option for families and holiday-makers so messages around road safety and drink driving are of paramount importance. Continue reading “Don’t Give in to Social Pressure to Drink and Drive This Holiday Season, Says Road Safety CEO”

Swim Australia CEO is Concerned Australians Families Are Opting Out of Swimming Lessons

underwater shot of kid swimming wearing goggles and swimming cap

By: Laura Bennett

As the weather heats up it’s only right we start thinking about our next visit to the beach and how often we can visit the local pool. Although, new research suggests a lot of Australian kids aren’t ready to enjoy the water safely – with a number of families opting out of swimming lessons. Continue reading “Swim Australia CEO is Concerned Australians Families Are Opting Out of Swimming Lessons”