By: Sheridan Voysey
Whenever I speak on dreams someone will inevitably put up their hand and ask, ‘What if you don’t have any dreams for your life? How can you find one?’ Continue reading “Need a New Dream? Here’s 12 Questions to Help You Find One”
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By: Sheridan Voysey
Whenever I speak on dreams someone will inevitably put up their hand and ask, ‘What if you don’t have any dreams for your life? How can you find one?’ Continue reading “Need a New Dream? Here’s 12 Questions to Help You Find One”
By: Laura Bennett
As we hit the halfway mark on 2020, it’s a year that’s looked nothing like many would have hoped or dreamed. In fact, it’s been a pretty crummy way to ‘embark on a whole new decade’ but, like any unforeseen situation, it can end up reorienting us and paving the way for a new (and oftentimes better) road ahead. Continue reading “It’s Time to Pause Pandemic Thinking and Get Back to Future Dreaming, Says NY Times Bestseller Bob Goff”
By: Sheridan Voysey
Sometimes I’m surprised at what I get nostalgic about. Recently I was reminiscing about the way in-flight entertainment used to be done on planes. Continue reading “In This Rare Moment, the Whole World is Living the Same Story”
By: Sheridan Voysey
One autumn morning not long ago, I walked to an Oxford cafe, took a window table on the third floor, and pulled out my journal. Continue reading ““The Hand That Spins the Galaxies Wants You Here”, Sheridan Voysey’s Creed For Life”
Why do we work? Ask around and you are likely to encounter more than a few strange, quizzical looks. Why would any sensible person even ask that question? We just have to, right? And to flourish at work, well that’s a nice idea, but… Continue reading “How to Flourish at Work”
By: Sheridan Voysey
I never set out to talk about dreams this much. But ever since the release of Resurrection Year – a memoir about starting again after a broken dream – I’ve found myself answering lots of questions about them. Continue reading “12 Questions to Help You Find a New Dream”
He’s a long-time investment banker and a mentor to millennials… Author of “Know Your Why” Ken Costa chats about hearing from God about your purpose. Continue reading “Finding God’s Purpose for Your Life”
By: Elaine Fraser
You know how every once in a while you do something and the little voice inside says, ‘There. That’s it. That’s why you’re here.’ … and you get a warm glow in your heart because you know it’s true?
Do more of that.
Jacob Nordby Continue reading “Take a Moment Monday: Find Your Why”
One of the characters that I love in the New Testament is the Apostle Peter, probably because I’m so much like him in so many ways. But I think there’s enough of Peter in all of us to be able to recognize ourselves in him. Continue reading “Get Out of God’s Way”
By: Duncan Robinson
Have you ever started something, that was a something you were called to do and met resistance?
Perhaps you are doing something now, that hasn’t happened as easily as you would hope, but you are convinced that God is moving in it. Continue reading “Blood, Sweat and Tears”