How the Emerging Economy Will Get You a Better Gig

woman sits at an outdoor table with laptop and cup of tea

By: Michael McQueen

While trends are known to come and go, it is not often you see the economy come full circle. Over 100 years ago, before the turn of the century and the advent of the Industrial Revolution, the notion of a salary was not commonplace. Some estimate that as little as 10% of workers had one, the rest of the population surviving off what we would now refer to as the ‘gig economy’. Continue reading “How the Emerging Economy Will Get You a Better Gig”

3 Kinds of Cities You Could Be Living in Tomorrow

City of Arts and Sciences, Valencia, Spain

By: Michael McQueen

With the UN predicting that 68 percent of the world’s people will live in urban areas by 2050,[1] it is essential that spaces we are living in are viable and sustainable for years to come. The cities we are familiar with, complete with collections of grey buildings, tangled roads and traffic, are set to change and the plans for these changes are already being implemented. Continue reading “3 Kinds of Cities You Could Be Living in Tomorrow”

How Will Your New Workplace Work for You?

bright open office space

By: Michael McQueen

With vaccines emerging and a new year ushering in a renewed demand for some kind of back-to-normal routine, society’s return to work is front of mind for many professionals. However, having adjusted effectively to remote work, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment. Many businesses, leaders and workers are questioning whether returning to work is a viable decision and are rethinking how our new work life could look. Continue reading “How Will Your New Workplace Work for You?”

How to Maintain Momentum by Pruning Your Practices

By: Michael McQueen

One of the most valuable lessons this year has taught us is that the life we were living pre-COVID isn’t necessarily the one we are seeking post-COVID. Though we have been longing for life to get ‘back to normal’ since the pandemic hit, there are many parts of the old normal that we would do well to leave behind. Continue reading “How to Maintain Momentum by Pruning Your Practices”