“Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorant words? (Job 38:1–2, NLT).
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Why God Commands Us to Weep
People don’t really seem to like the idea of God commanding stuff these days. It’s one of the reasons why some people choose to turn away from God altogether. People just don’t like to be “commanded.” Continue reading “Why God Commands Us to Weep”
Mercy Always Trumps Judgment
For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment (James 2:13, NASB).
Get Over Yourself!
I have a very good friend who frequently says to me, “Eli, get over yourself!” I couldn’t count the number of times he has said this.
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Get Rid of Your “Stuff”
Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me” (Matthew 19:21, NIV).
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Heaven Came Down
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14, NIV).
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Let the Love Flow
Receiving and giving is the law of the universe, because they are part of the very nature of God.
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Be a Friend of God
Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a relationship with God like Moses had?
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You Are a Friend of God
In your spiritual experience, do you consider yourself more as a slave to religion, or as a friend of God?
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The Voice from the Heart of Darkness
We expect to see God in beauty, praise, and joy. We expect to see God in light. But what happens when all we see is darkness?
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