The God who comes to you is not the God whom many people know. They mainly know the God to whom they have to come. Continue reading “The God Who Comes to You”
When Your Armour is Too Big
Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes (Ephesians 6:11, NIV). Continue reading “When Your Armour is Too Big”
The Reason to Rejoice
We all like a good celebration – a reason to rejoice – especially when it is something to do with us that is being celebrated! Continue reading “The Reason to Rejoice”
Getting Rid of the Cross
There are many people who try to get rid of the Cross, and in many different ways, and not all of them are atheists. Continue reading “Getting Rid of the Cross”
Your False Self [Devotion]
One of the biggest struggles you will have in your own life will be against your false self. How can I be so confident in telling you this? Because it’s my biggest struggle too! Continue reading “Your False Self [Devotion]”
Be a Wise Builder
One of the many things that impressed me about my father is that he could fix or build anything. Continue reading “Be a Wise Builder”
What if Jesus Never Knew You?
Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 7:21, NIV).
On Recovering From the Addiction Cycle
I know a thing or two about the addiction cycle… I hope you’re not judging me already! Continue reading “On Recovering From the Addiction Cycle”
If Not Now then When?
Are you a last-minute person? Are you one of those people who think they work best under pressure? If so, then it’s possible that I have fallen for the great procrastination myth. Continue reading “If Not Now then When?”
How to Handle Rejection
To get through life, it’s important to learn how to handle rejection. It’s hard to face rejection, but we’ve all been rejected, and we’re all going to be rejected in the future. Continue reading “How to Handle Rejection”