3 Reasons Why Being Friends with Jesus Is the Adventure of a Lifetime

man hiking through a valley

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

People crave adventure. Most of them look for “fake” adventure through various forms of entertainment, whether it be sport, movies, or gaming. Unfortunately, however, when the screen gets turned off, people end up right back in their typically very unadventurous lives! Continue reading “3 Reasons Why Being Friends with Jesus Is the Adventure of a Lifetime”

I’m Not Surprised Muhammad Rejected Jesus’ Story: Following Him is Humiliating


By: Tania Harris

Two weeks in Turkey recently left me wondering how a land so steeped in Christian history became 98% Muslim. In the first century, this was the area of Asia Minor, famous for Paul’s extraordinary missionary journeys and landmark churches such as Ephesus and Philadelphia. Today Turkish cities are populated with mosques rather than cathedrals and minarets rather than steeples punctuate the skylines. Continue reading “I’m Not Surprised Muhammad Rejected Jesus’ Story: Following Him is Humiliating”