Many people want to find Jesus, but they look for him in the wrong places. If you want to find Jesus, don’t look within yourself. Continue reading “If You Want to Find Jesus, Don’t Look Within”
Why Did Jesus Bless all the Wrong People?
It often seems like Jesus blesses all the wrong people! We all want to be blessed, don’t we? Continue reading “Why Did Jesus Bless all the Wrong People?”
How to Measure Your Success in Life
Everyone wants to be successful. No one wants to be a failure, so how do you measure your success in life? Continue reading “How to Measure Your Success in Life”
How Jesus Sees You When You’re Down
How does Jesus see you when you’re down? You know how you see yourself: as alone, worthless, unloved and unlovable, and basically as a failure. But the important thing is not how you see yourself, but how Jesus sees you. Because if you can allow how Jesus sees you to become your reality, then you can get through anything! Continue reading “How Jesus Sees You When You’re Down”