Many people know about Christianity. Many people have grown up as Christians. But eventually, everyone has to come to the point where having others believe for you isn’t good enough. You have to believe it for yourself. Continue reading “Believe it for Yourself”
Hope for Those With Little Faith
Let me confess something about myself. I’m not some kind of model Christian. By nature I’m a pessimist and a worrier. Often, little things cause me stress. Continue reading “Hope for Those With Little Faith”
Where Did the Universe Come From?
Some people ask the question, “Where did life come from?” But the question of where the universe itself came from is an even bigger question. Continue reading “Where Did the Universe Come From?”
The Risky Business of the Gospel
I’ve often been asked what Jesus meant when he said some of the strange things like we find in Matthew 10:37:
Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me (NIV). Continue reading “The Risky Business of the Gospel”
You Have Been Drawn Out of Deep Waters
When I was a teenager, I went for a walk with some friends on the rocks along the seashore, at the base of some cliffs. We ignored the signs that warned of danger. Continue reading “You Have Been Drawn Out of Deep Waters”
People Not Like You
When you understand the Gospel, it breaks down your preconceived ideas of who is acceptable to God and who isn’t; who will be saved and who will be lost. Jesus went out of his way to show that the love of God and his saving power knows no boundaries. Continue reading “People Not Like You”
Does God Love Me?
Everyone wants love. But defining what exactly love is is something that no one in all of human history has been able to do. Continue reading “Does God Love Me?”
The God Who Bends Down
The Bible was written in a polytheistic culture: a culture which believed that there were many gods. That’s why the writers of the Bible emphasise over and over again that the true God is better than all the others. Continue reading “The God Who Bends Down”
Comfortable Christian Living
My daughter Rebecca was in Uganda a few years ago. She was sharing the Gospel and providing midwifery services in rural communities. A man who was associated with Good News Unlimited, asked her why our ministry didn’t splash money around more liberally. Continue reading “Comfortable Christian Living”
Did Jesus Really Exist?
I once read a book that argued that the earth was hollow and that it was populated inside by a super-race of aliens. It even had photos that proved it. It was interesting, but I didn’t believe it. Why? Because all the evidence says that the earth’s core is solid! Continue reading “Did Jesus Really Exist?”