The SSM ‘Yes’ Vote One Year On


By: Akos Balogh

It’s been one year. One year since Australia voted ‘yes’ to Same-Sex Marriage. You might have missed the anniversary last Thursday (it wasn’t headline news – which is surprising, considering the airtime it took up a year ago). But it was picked up by the likes of The Project, where presenter Carrie Bickmore confidently asserted that ‘the sky hasn’t fallen in’ since SSM became legal. Continue reading “The SSM ‘Yes’ Vote One Year On”

God’s Not Dead 3 – Should the Church Still Have a Place in My Community?

god's not dead 3

By: Laura Bennett

Even if the numbers of people who call themselves ‘Christian’ has fluctuated in Australia over the years, there’s a lot about our nation that finds its origin in the faith. Our settlement represents a complex time in history, but part of what the Europeans brought with them, was their Christianity. Continue reading “God’s Not Dead 3 – Should the Church Still Have a Place in My Community?”