By: Akos Balogh
In my first post on this topic, we examined why disagreeing well is dying art (and the implications). Continue reading “How The Bible Helps Us Resurrect The Dying Art of Disagreeing Well”
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By: Akos Balogh
In my first post on this topic, we examined why disagreeing well is dying art (and the implications). Continue reading “How The Bible Helps Us Resurrect The Dying Art of Disagreeing Well”
By: Brian Harris
I recently watched a YouTube talk in which David Brooks discusses his new book How to Know a Person – which explores listening to and seeing others well. Continue reading “The Art of Conversation: Are You an Illuminator or a Diminisher?”
By: Brian Harris
Though the title might make you think this post is aimed at church preachers, it isn’t. Continue reading “Are You a ‘Preacher’ or a Storyteller?”
By: Emily Bemmer
We’ve all had times we know we ought to say something, but we don’t, because it feels anxiety provoking, or we don’t know where to start! Continue reading “Five Tips for Difficult Conversations”
By: Michael McQueen
If you have ever found yourself believing that humans only use 10 percent of their brain, that vitamin C cures a cold or that eating carrots improves eyesight, you have experienced the persuasive impact of repetition.[1] Continue reading “Why Repetition is a Powerful Tool for Marketers, Teachers and Leaders”
By: McCrindle
Between shorter attention spans and more diverse communities, communication isn’t getting easier. Continue reading “In a Diverse Cultural Landscape, Our Communication May Need to Slow Down”
By: Sam Robinson
Communication might be about to get a whole lot easier with a new piece of tech allowing translation in real-time. Continue reading “Breaking Language Barriers: New Tech Giving Real-Time Translations”
By: Laura Bennett
Switchfoot’s new album Interrobang was produced by a staunch atheist. That may seem like a pretty mundane fact to point out, given people of different faith backgrounds work together all the time, but in this case it meant the band’s album was completely infused with the philosophies their new music is trying to convey. Continue reading “Switchfoot’s Tim Foreman Says Opposition is an Opportunity to Grow”
By: Robert Martin
There is little doubt that the question of the reality of God is a question which polarises and divides. Why is there such passionate disagreement? Does what we believe even matter? Would it be better people simply stopped bringing it up? Continue reading “A Refreshing Conversation Between an Atheist and Christian”
Once when I was young and I had a position of responsibility of a church, I was called to the hospital bedside of one of the members who had been run over by a truck earlier that day. He had suffered extremely serious injuries and he was lucky to be alive. Continue reading “Four Things You Should Never Say to Someone Who is Hurting”