By: Laura Bennett
On average in Australia one women a week is murdered by her current or former partner. One. Woman. A week. Continue reading “Domestic Violence: The Church Can’t be Absent From Addressing the Issue”
Content Provision for Member Stations
By: Laura Bennett
On average in Australia one women a week is murdered by her current or former partner. One. Woman. A week. Continue reading “Domestic Violence: The Church Can’t be Absent From Addressing the Issue”
By: Brian Harris
I’ve just finished teaching a week long intensive called “Denominational Distinctives.” Continue reading “Does Church Matter?”
By: Stephen McAlpine
It was one of those serendipitous moments. There, advertised on the Facebook page of a friend from my old days at Fremantle Assemblies of God church in the mid 1980s, was the kitchen table and chair set we had been looking for. Continue reading “John and Amy’s Kitchen Table – And What it Says About Worship”
By: Michael Crooks
On August 14, the Diocese of the Southern Cross officially launched in Canberra as a breakaway Anglican church. Continue reading “Explainer: Why Has the “Anglican Church Split”?”
By: City Bible Forum
It’s a bit of a buzz term at the moment, but when we say “Australia is a secular country” are we talking about a freedom from religion or a freedom for religion in this wide brown country of ours? Continue reading “The Subjective State of ‘Secularism’ – What is a Secular Country, Really?”
By: City Bible Forum
For most of this year, my wife and I have been agonising over whether to send our first born, nearly 4-year-old son, to a public or an independent religious school. Continue reading “Want Your Kids to Do Well in School? Send Them to Church First!”
By: Akos Balogh
What do non-Christian Australians think of Church? What do they think of Jesus? What do they think of Christians? Continue reading “10 Surprising Things Australians Think of Church, Jesus, and Christians”
By: Laura Bennett
When the latest Australian Census data was released last month, one of the headline-grabbing shifts was that less than 50 per cent of Australians aligned themselves with Christianity, and a growing number of people (39 per cent) considered themselves non-religious. Continue reading “Census 2022: A Decline in Religion Doesn’t Mean a Decline in Faith”
By: Michael Crooks
Attendance at religious services in Australia is back to normal, according to new research.
Continue reading “What Pandemic? Australians Return to Worship in Church”
By: Michael Crooks
It’s an alarming stat that shocked Australians: 55 women died at the hands of their intimate partner last year. It means that on average, at least one woman dies each week as the result of domestic violence. Continue reading “Stop the Violence: A Church’s Bold Move to Stamp Out Abuse”