By: Akos Balogh
A terrorist attack has hit the western world and taken the lives of over 50 innocent people. We can’t help but feel shocked and dismayed at this atrocity. Continue reading “Making Sense of The Horrific Christchurch Terror Attack”
Content Provision for Member Stations
By: Akos Balogh
A terrorist attack has hit the western world and taken the lives of over 50 innocent people. We can’t help but feel shocked and dismayed at this atrocity. Continue reading “Making Sense of The Horrific Christchurch Terror Attack”
By: Akos Balogh
I’ve noticed people aren’t as optimistic about the future these days. In our post 9-11, post-GFC, post-Trump era, people are increasingly anxious. Optimism no longer abounds – at least not like it used to. Continue reading “Why Christians Should Not Be Optimists”
By: Akos Balogh
It’s been one year. One year since Australia voted ‘yes’ to Same-Sex Marriage. You might have missed the anniversary last Thursday (it wasn’t headline news – which is surprising, considering the airtime it took up a year ago). But it was picked up by the likes of The Project, where presenter Carrie Bickmore confidently asserted that ‘the sky hasn’t fallen in’ since SSM became legal. Continue reading “The SSM ‘Yes’ Vote One Year On”
By: Akos Balogh
Christians are increasingly marginalised by a society growing suspicious of our views (especially our views on sexuality). In response, Christians should be ready to ‘lose well’, whenever we face such opposition. Continue reading “Responding to a Society Becoming Increasingly Hostile Towards Christian Views”
By: Akos Balogh
Digital technology saturates our lives: smartphones, social media, Google and Instagram. From teenagers to grandparents, we’re all swimming in a digital sea. Continue reading “5 Things Every Christian Should Know About Digital Technology”
By: Akos Balogh
We’re swimming in a digital ocean.
Google, Facebook, smart phones: these are part of our daily lives. (In fact, we now have a generation – ‘iGen’ – who can’t even remember a time without smart phones.) Continue reading “The Challenge And Blessing of Our Digital Age”
By: Akos Balogh
A silent epidemic is sweeping across western societies. Continue reading “The Silent Epidemic That’s Killing Us”
By: Akos Balogh
How White Christians Defended Indigenous People in Colonial Australia. Continue reading “A Surprising History: Christians And Oppressed Indigenous People”
By: Akos Balogh
Many Christians feel we’re losing the ‘culture war’.
From SSM to euthanasia, the traditional Christian perspective has lost ground in much of mainstream society. We’re a minority. Continue reading “How Christians Can Go Beyond The ‘Culture War’”
By: Akos Balogh
I feel sorry for the teenagers of today.
They have to navigate many challenges that I never had to deal with as a teenager of the ‘90’s: social media, a pornified culture, digital technology…I don’t envy them or their parents. Coming of age in the early ‘90’s sure had its advantages (including the music). Continue reading “How To Help Teenagers Navigate Our Secular Culture”