Loneliness is an epidemic that ravages lives everywhere as surely as any epidemic. But when you feel the dark pit of loneliness in your heart, listen to the word of truth: You’re not alone. Continue reading “You’re Not Alone”
‘Musica’ a Magical World of Music, Comedy, Love
By: Russ Matthews
Music has been an integral part of cinematic history. Continue reading “‘Musica’ a Magical World of Music, Comedy, Love”
The Prayer and Kindness Movement Sparked by Bondi and Wakeley
By: Pray Australia
Sydney is still reeling from recent events at Bondi and Wakeley. Continue reading “The Prayer and Kindness Movement Sparked by Bondi and Wakeley”
Raising a Daughter with Apert Syndrome – in Indonesia
As Mother’s Day approaches, Compassion is shining a spotlight on those mums who are called to raise children with special needs like Angel, from Indonesia, and her teen daughter, Karunia. Continue reading “Raising a Daughter with Apert Syndrome – in Indonesia”
Fight for Children’s Mental Health Gains ‘Momentum’
By: Steff Willis
Momentum is a comprehensive self-help digital mental health program that brings vital evidence-informed treatments, tools and techniques to the fingertips of seven to 17-year-olds who are experiencing common mental health issues. Continue reading “Fight for Children’s Mental Health Gains ‘Momentum’”
Taco Beef and Sweet Potato Bake
By: Susan Joy
This healthy meal of Taco Beef and Sweet Potato Bake is the perfect weeknight meal. Continue reading “Taco Beef and Sweet Potato Bake”
In an Information Age, Is Our Knowledge Exceeding Our Wisdom?
By: Michael McQueen
Is our knowledge exceeding our wisdom? Continue reading “In an Information Age, Is Our Knowledge Exceeding Our Wisdom?”
The Jeremiah Project: From Homelessness to a Future of Hope
By: Helping Hands
The Jeremiah Project is an inspiring organisation in Western Sydney that exists to bring hope and a future to people experiencing homelessness. Continue reading “The Jeremiah Project: From Homelessness to a Future of Hope”
Motherhood: When the Dream Doesn’t Match the Reality
By: Barbara Gleeson
I raised three daughters and during the last pregnancy my husband, Bill, was diagnosed with serious health conditions which led to chronic fatigue and a limitation of what he could do and contribute to the family. Continue reading “Motherhood: When the Dream Doesn’t Match the Reality”
How to Share the Gospel in a Way That People Can’t Argue
By: yesHEis
If you find yourself in a situation where you want to talk about Jesus but you don’t know what to say, just remember you have a story. Continue reading “How to Share the Gospel in a Way That People Can’t Argue”