We all have problems! No one who breathes on this earth is exempt from them. So, what is the right way to solve your problems if you are a follower of Jesus? Continue reading “The Right Way to Solve Your Problems”
Australian Cricket – All Balls but No Brain – What Were You Thinking?
By: Sam Chan
So … the Australian cricket team has been caught cheating. Tampering with the ball – with yellow (what were you thinking?) sandpaper – so that the ball swings in the air, making it unplayable for the South African batsmen. Continue reading “Australian Cricket – All Balls but No Brain – What Were You Thinking?”
To the Parent Without the Right Answers
By: Jennie Scott
Tears streamed down my child’s face, the frustration apparent.
The frustration was clear, but the real issue wasn’t. I couldn’t get to the root of the matter. Was it exhaustion? A misunderstanding? Did something happen at school? What was really going on?
I never figured it out. My questioning and probing did no good with the child sprawled across my bed, so I couldn’t make sense of it.
Which basically summarises being a parent. Continue reading “To the Parent Without the Right Answers”
Navigating Midlife Remarriage
Ah . . . this will be a breeze.
Since our kids are grown and out of the house, Dale and I thought many of the issues of blending families wouldn’t affect our second marriage. We also assumed that as adults, our kids wouldn’t be affected by our decision to tie the knot. Yeah, right! Continue reading “Navigating Midlife Remarriage”
Salted Caramel Smoothie
By: Susan Joy
Here’s a healthy snack that will spoil you for taste and sustain you. Macadamia nuts provide a creamy base to this smoothie, I’ve also used maca powder to add a malt/butterscotch flavour. Maca is packed with nutrients and known for increasing stamina and endurance. Continue reading “Salted Caramel Smoothie”
Blood, Sweat and Tears
By: Duncan Robinson
Have you ever started something, that was a something you were called to do and met resistance?
Perhaps you are doing something now, that hasn’t happened as easily as you would hope, but you are convinced that God is moving in it. Continue reading “Blood, Sweat and Tears”
Recognising and Changing Race Stereotyping
By: Anne Rinaudo
The National Geographic Magazine is laying bare their record of misunderstanding race. The iconic magazine has commissioned an unflinching special report into its representations of race over the years. Continue reading “Recognising and Changing Race Stereotyping”
Take a Moment Monday: Imperfect Progress
By: Elaine Fraser
There is a beautiful thing called Imperfect Progress. It comes when we take slow steps of progress wrapped in grace. – Lysa TerKeurst Continue reading “Take a Moment Monday: Imperfect Progress”
What Your Kids Need When They Don’t Do What They’re Asked
By: Dr Justin Coulson | Happy Families
Dear Dr Justin,
My children don’t do anything they’re told. I’ve tried everything. I withdraw privileges and use time out and even smacking them won’t work with them. I’m tired of yelling. Nothing works no matter what I do to them. I’m seriously over it. I have a girl whose 3, a boy whose 8, and a girl who is 11. Continue reading “What Your Kids Need When They Don’t Do What They’re Asked”
Practical Help for When You’re Overwhelmed
The way you’re wired impacts how you respond to stress. Continue reading “Practical Help for When You’re Overwhelmed”