“I pray that the eyes of your heart will see.” (Ephesians 1:19, CEB) Continue reading “You Can See With Spiritual Eyes”
Pope Francis: “He’s In Good Spirits”
By: Steff Willis
The Vatican has provided an update on the health of Pope Francis.
6 tips on Young Teens, Sleepovers and Parties
By: Collett Smart
There is something both exhilarating and scary about the freedom that comes with being a teenager. Continue reading “6 tips on Young Teens, Sleepovers and Parties”
The Power of Music for Mental Health: Reduce Stress and Boost Well-Being
By: Rinet Van Lill
Music has an incredible ability to influence emotions, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Whether you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or simply need a mood boost, the right music can provide emotional relief and relaxation. From calming melodies to energetic beats, music is a simple yet powerful tool to support mental health. Continue reading “The Power of Music for Mental Health: Reduce Stress and Boost Well-Being”
Because feelings don’t happen to us, but for us…
By: Brian Harris
My regular readers will know how often my blog posts are sparked by throw away comments from podcasts I have listened to that don’t necessarily have much to do with what the podcast was about, but do reflect how my mind worked after hearing the comment. Continue reading “Because feelings don’t happen to us, but for us…”
School Overwhelming? Collett Smart’s Parenting Hacks
By: Laura Bennett
Has this new school year felt overwhelming? The shock of new routines, new teachers and managing family calendars can be exhausting. Continue reading “School Overwhelming? Collett Smart’s Parenting Hacks”
I’m Still Here – Movie Review
By: Russ Matthews
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 1/2 (OUT OF 5 STARS) Continue reading “I’m Still Here – Movie Review”
A Mother’s Call for Change – Creating Churches That Embrace Neurodiversity
By: Emily, Melbourne
As a mum of three kids, who has been going to church my whole life, I want to share something that’s been weighing on my heart.
Continue reading “A Mother’s Call for Change – Creating Churches That Embrace Neurodiversity”
Think Sharing Your Faith Is Complicated? Think Again.
By: yesHEis
Bella is a graphic designer and has spent most of her working life in ministry and church. Stepping out into a secular work environment was a challenge, especially when it came to bringing up her faith. But Bella discovered a simple secret that made all the difference… Continue reading “Think Sharing Your Faith Is Complicated? Think Again.”
4 Ways to Fix Negative Self-Talk
By: Joni Boyd
Collett Smart says positive and negative self-talk can have a huge impact on our daily lives – and particularly those of our teens. Continue reading “4 Ways to Fix Negative Self-Talk”