And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” (Mark 16:18, NIV) Continue reading “The Power of God, Signs & Wonders”
EMDR Therapy: What is it, and How Does it Help With Trauma?
By: Michelle Nortje
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a powerful psychological treatment method designed to help individuals heal from traumatic experiences and distressing memories. Continue reading “EMDR Therapy: What is it, and How Does it Help With Trauma?”
Caring for Your Teen’s Mental Health in 5 Steps: ‘I CARE’
By: Joni Boyd
Raising teens can often feel overwhelming, particularly when navigating mental health issues. Continue reading “Caring for Your Teen’s Mental Health in 5 Steps: ‘I CARE’”
Help Shine the Light of Jesus with Bibles Tailored for Indigenous Australians
By: Natalie Bennett
Now is your chance to shine the light of Jesus into the hearts of Indigenous Australians through Badayala for Bibles. Continue reading “Help Shine the Light of Jesus with Bibles Tailored for Indigenous Australians”
A Pre-Teen Quest of Self Discovery in ‘Scarygirl’
By: Russ Matthews
The energetic and inventive character Arkie (Jillian Nguyen) is from the imaginative mind of artist Nathan Jurevicius, and has been in the works for over 15 years. She is finally brought to life in cinemas in Scarygirl. Continue reading “A Pre-Teen Quest of Self Discovery in ‘Scarygirl’”
‘Just Do It’ – Developing a Bent Towards Action
By: Brian Harris
Perhaps you’ve heard the old quip, “When all is said and done, far more is said than done.” Continue reading “‘Just Do It’ – Developing a Bent Towards Action”
Max Lucado: ‘Don’t Fear the End of the World’
By: Laura Bennett
Do you wonder about how the world will end? What will happen? And when will it happen? Continue reading “Max Lucado: ‘Don’t Fear the End of the World’”
What Does Good Leadership Look Like?
By: Helping Hands TV
“A good leader,” says Mark Jones, Chief Storyteller at the ImpactInstitute, “has a very clear picture of the future, a strong vision, and you’re able to bring people along on the journey.” Continue reading “What Does Good Leadership Look Like?”
How to Approach Money Together in Your Marriage
By: Ben McEachen
No matter how healthy a marriage is, it can be difficult to talk about money. Continue reading “How to Approach Money Together in Your Marriage”
Annoying Sayings of Jesus
By: Brian Harris
If you’ve been following my blog, you will know that I’ve made a start on developing some of my own proverbs and sayings. Continue reading “Annoying Sayings of Jesus”