By: Tania Harris
Richard and Cecilia met their future spouses in a dream. One got married, the other didn’t. What is going on? Continue reading “Both Met Their Future Spouses In a Dream. One Got Married, One Didn’t…”
Content Provision for Member Stations
By: Tania Harris
Richard and Cecilia met their future spouses in a dream. One got married, the other didn’t. What is going on? Continue reading “Both Met Their Future Spouses In a Dream. One Got Married, One Didn’t…”
By: Amy Cheng
Colin Buchanan’s new song In Real Life is a celebration of once again being able to meet face-to-face with loved ones.
Continue reading “Enjoying Each Other’s Company Again: Colin Buchanan’s New ‘In Real Life’ Song”
By: City Bible Forum
On Monday morning I decided that I would take to all of our indoor plants with weed killer. Actually I didn’t decide that. I decided to feed all of the plants with liquid fertilizer, but inadvertently took the wrong bottle out of the cupboard and gave them all a liberal dose of glyphosate, a broad-spectrum herbicide. Continue reading ““Social Glyphosate”, aka Individualism, and How It’s Withering Our Society”
My husband and I recently became empty-nesters. Our daughter’s wedding was in April. It’s a strange new reality for us, organising a life that was previously built around family and adult children at home, into a completely different scenario. Continue reading “Empty Nesters, New Beginnings – Tips for Your New-Look Relationship”
Here’s a reality check. You can’t love on your own. Any attempt to love on your own isn’t an expression of love but of its opposite: self-centredness. To love, you need community. As the saying goes, “It takes two to tango.” Continue reading “Here’s Why We All Need Community”
By: Robert Martin, God in 60 Seconds
How do we have better relationships? Atheist philosopher Alain de Botton is critical of the notion, popular today, that claims that people are basically good and ‘angelic by nature’ because he says that this view of people is ‘highly troubling for relationships’. Continue reading ““Deeply Crazy” – A Way to Better Relationships”
By: Laura Bennett
It’s not uncommon, or even bad, to disagree with people and have opposing views but increasingly we’re seeing these disparities fiercely hashed out across multiple mediums leading to alienation, separatism and a deepening acceptance of cancel culture. Continue reading “Could Debating Be Better with a Bit of Curiosity and Generosity?”
By: Ashley Fell
For the last two years, our lives have been significantly interrupted. We didn’t go out. We didn’t socialise much. We mostly interacted through a screen.
Continue reading “From FOMO to HOGO – Exploring ‘Relational Fitness’”
By: City Bible Forum
Is it a mistake to say sorry, especially to your work colleagues? Continue reading “Sorry Always Seems To Be the Hardest Word”
By: Amy Cheng
Samuel* is the father of three children but is also now beginning to look after parents who are ageing.
Continue reading “The Sandwich Generation – Caught Between Caring for Children and Ageing Parents”