There’s a reason that experts make a big deal about telling parents to read to their children. Reading to kids (not using devices but using real books) is one of the best things we can do to help them develop positively. Continue reading “How to Raise Kids Who Read”
Toddlers and Television
I have written in this column – for years – that excessive screen time, including watching television, is not good for anyone, but is especially detrimental to children. A study published recently about the effects of television watching on toddlers makes this clearer than ever. Continue reading “Toddlers and Television”
Can Mindfulness Calm My Child?
Mindfulness has become one of the buzzwords of the past decade. Mindfulness is receiving hype by in corporations, educational institutions, psychologist’s offices, fitness centres, and increasingly in our family homes. In fact, mindfulness in families is becoming almost essential. And for good reason. Continue reading “Can Mindfulness Calm My Child?”
Body & Cyber Safety: How to Pre-Arm and Protect Your Children
In the past week I’ve been contacted by several parents. They’ve asked a number of questions, all along the same lines*: Continue reading “Body & Cyber Safety: How to Pre-Arm and Protect Your Children”
7 Reminders for Task-oriented Parents
By: Cara Plett
You’re likely doing a good job taking care of your children. But how are you at being with them? Continue reading “7 Reminders for Task-oriented Parents”
Fear and Anxiety in Children: What’s Normal, and What’s Not
In a young child’s world, so much is new and unfamiliar. When you consider a toddler’s inexperience, coupled with their limited reasoning skills, it’s easy to understand why a toddler might react in fear to a host of benign, everyday things. Continue reading “Fear and Anxiety in Children: What’s Normal, and What’s Not”
Making Mornings Magic
A mum recently had the morning off. Her husband agreed to get the kids set for school, and she took advantage of her newfound freedom by taking a walk around the block. Continue reading “Making Mornings Magic”
Nourishing Foods For Your Baby
By: Susan Joy
Your baby may have just started on solids or started teething and you are very excited about these new stages in your babies life. Are you wondering what are the best foods to provide to your precious one that will be nourishing? Continue reading “Nourishing Foods For Your Baby”
How Play is Changing
I want to ask you two questions. Pretty simple ones.
First, how do your children play?
Second, how is their play different from the play you enjoyed when you were young?
Consider your answers for just a moment. Is there much difference between the two? Continue reading “How Play is Changing”
Managing Mental Health in the Last Year of School
By: Rachel Doherty
Finishing school carries a lot of stress for teenagers. Where they’ve had some depression, anxiety or other mental ill-health, Year 12 can be too much. Continue reading “Managing Mental Health in the Last Year of School”