We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves (Romans 15:1). Continue reading “Bear the Failings of the Weak”
When Church is Beautiful
By: Brian Harris
I don’t know if you have ever left a church service thinking, “Wow – that was beautiful – really beautiful.” Continue reading “When Church is Beautiful”
Birkenstocks are Hot Right Now… Wait, But How?
By: Sam Chan
Google searches for Birkenstock sandals are up by 300%. Continue reading “Birkenstocks are Hot Right Now… Wait, But How?”
Real Power
We all like to feel powerful. No-one likes to be weak, right? But what if power doesn’t look like we think it does? What if the way that we see power is all wrong?
Your “Ordinary” Makes Life Meaningful, Says ‘Jesus And’ Author Robert Fergusson
By: Laura Bennett
If you’ve been exposed to the Christian worldview for any length of time, it’s likely you’ve heard people talk about how we “partner with God” in His masterplan for the world and how, despite our ordinariness and failures at times, we’re all qualified for the job of being a “friend of God” in that pursuit. Continue reading “Your “Ordinary” Makes Life Meaningful, Says ‘Jesus And’ Author Robert Fergusson”
What is the Taylor Swift Effect? Just Ask Travis Kelce and Seemingly Ranch
By: Sam Chan
Taylor Swift is dating the NFL star Travis Kelce from the Kansas City Chiefs. Continue reading “What is the Taylor Swift Effect? Just Ask Travis Kelce and Seemingly Ranch”
Perseverance – One of the Great Predictors of Success
By: Brian Harris
What’s the greatest predictor of future success? Continue reading “Perseverance – One of the Great Predictors of Success”
What Does the Bible Say about Today’s Culture? A Lot, Says Academic
By: Amy Cheng
We are all shaped by our culture, but not using the Bible to understand our culture is like giving away the keys to our mind to a stranger, according to an academic. Continue reading “What Does the Bible Say about Today’s Culture? A Lot, Says Academic”
Why Young People Are Moving Away from Faith
By: Steff Willis
Studies conducted by the Barna Group and USA Today found that nearly 75% of Christian young people fall away from the faith and leave the church after high school. Continue reading “Why Young People Are Moving Away from Faith”
How an Act of Grace Could End Up Saving You
By: Sheridan Voysey
I have no idea why, but when anything gets too popular, I lose interest. Continue reading “How an Act of Grace Could End Up Saving You”