You Can’t Be a Perfect Christian and That’s OK

By: Laura Bennett

The Christian faith is a fickle thing. In believing in God and accepting Jesus as His son, our key life aim is to live as Jesus did: in perfect relationship with God, and with a divine love for humanity. But that’s impossible. You’ve probably already messed it up five times this morning and that’s OK because you can continually choose to correct it. Continue reading “You Can’t Be a Perfect Christian and That’s OK”

I Tried To Give A Homeless Man A Sandwich

By: Neri Morris

So one day, I tried to give a homeless man a sandwich…

It all started with my morning coffee. I was sitting and sipping the morning away, when the homeless man who lives on the steps of the church I work near, popped into my mind. I had known he was there for weeks but had never felt this prompting to help him in anyway until that morning. Continue reading “I Tried To Give A Homeless Man A Sandwich”