By: Brian Harris
“So what virtues do you aspire towards?” Continue reading “Why Hope is a Deeply Christian Virtue”
Content Provision for Member Stations
By: Brian Harris
“So what virtues do you aspire towards?” Continue reading “Why Hope is a Deeply Christian Virtue”
By: Amy Isham
We’re still learning how to have conversations about mental health, but there’s one topic that’s even more sensitive, suicide. Continue reading “A Life-Saving Conversation About Suicide”
By: Steff Willis
Despite shifts in the post-pandemic world, Australians’ views on Jesus and whether they believe in God have stayed largely consistent since 2019, according to recent NCLS Research findings. Continue reading “Is There a God or a Higher Power? Nearly 6 in 10 Aussies Think So”
By: Steff Willis
Evangelism. For many, the word evokes a spectrum of emotions and perceptions, from enthusiasm to discomfort. Continue reading “Rethinking Evangelism and How We Can All Share Our Faith”
By: Al Stewart
After the US election result, depending on who you were gunning for, you might have felt elated and optimistic. Continue reading “When the World is Divided: Lean on the ‘Offensive and Liberating’ Peace of God”
By: yesHEis
Talking about Jesus can feel weird or uncomfortable. Continue reading “How to Share Jesus: A 3 Part Method”
By: Steff Willis
While many would see winning an Olympic medal as the pinnacle of success, for Nicola Olyslagers, it’s a bonus. Continue reading “Silver in Paris: The Faith Journey of Olympian Nicola Olyslagers”
By: Brian Harris
It was a mentoring conversation, and while obviously with a specific person, I had the feeling I had heard it many times before. We were starting with the important Steven Covey insight, “begin with the end in mind”. Continue reading “Our Deepest Desires – And Planning Towards Them”
By: Natasha Moore
Every time the census comes around, it comes with a wave of hand-wringing about the decline of institutional religion in Australia. Continue reading “Are You Spiritual But Not Religious?”
By: Aaron Johnstone
If you follow the news, you’ve probably read scandals involving high-profile evangelicals, loud voices from culture wars, and behaviours that seem far removed from the teachings of Jesus. Continue reading “Would Jesus Identify As An Evangelical?”