What is the Ultimate ‘Big Question’ People are Asking?

Man looking over city

By: Robert Martin, City Bible Forum

When we began asking big questions on the podcast and radio show Bigger Questions (formerly Logos Live) over 7 years ago, I must confess I wondered if we’d quickly run out of big questions. Would the show just wrap up after we’d explored some of the common objections to the Christian message? Continue reading “What is the Ultimate ‘Big Question’ People are Asking?”

Between Toxic Positivity and a ‘Deus Remotus’: Getting the Balance Right

Yellow Happy face Balloons

By: Brian Harris

Toxic positivity is a new buzz word which rightly laments the irritating habit of attributing something positive to everything that happens, the kind of “if life serves you lemons, make lemonade” mindset which undergirds most bumper stickers and many sermon slogans. Continue reading “Between Toxic Positivity and a ‘Deus Remotus’: Getting the Balance Right”