By: Michael McQueen
Over 30 years ago, a cohort of middle school students was given some mathematics problems to solve.
Continue reading “Are You Embracing A Growth Mindset?”
Content Provision for Member Stations
By: Michael McQueen
Over 30 years ago, a cohort of middle school students was given some mathematics problems to solve.
Continue reading “Are You Embracing A Growth Mindset?”
By: Michael McQueen
“Our trust in technology has rested in a confidence that the technology will do what it’s supposed to do, nothing more, nothing less.”
Continue reading “Why A Consistent Customer Experience Is The Key To Building Trust”
By: Michael McQueen
The need for industries and brands to stay relevant to the next generation has always been important, but today it matters more than ever.
Continue reading “How To Make Millennials Work”
By: Michael McQueen
“The electric light did not come from the continuous improvement of candles.”
Continue reading “Why Evolutionary Change Is No Longer Enough”
By: Michael McQueen
Imagine a world where you enter a retail store and are instantly identified by your mobile phone. Your preferences, credit card details and buying history are immediately recognised along with your identity and from that moment on, the entire in-store experience is customised to your needs and desires.
By: Michael McQueen
“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
Continue reading “What Is Your Appetite For Failure?”
By: Michael McQueen
Nothing turns a customer off more than friction. In fact, nothing turns an employee off more than friction either. If businesses are to remain indisruptible in the years to come, identifying friction is paramount, so here are 3 key questions to help you find it.
Continue reading “3 Keys to Identifying Friction in Business”
By: McCrindle
Recently our Team Leader of Communications Ashley Fell delivered a keynote presentation at The Future of Leadership in Australia and New Zealand on the topic of ‘Leading and managing thriving teams’.
Continue reading “Leading and Managing Thriving Teams”
By: Michael McQueen
Few things are discussed with more enthusiasm in the business world of our day than innovation and creativity. However, implementing innovation within organisations is a much more challenging task.
By: Michael McQueen
‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.’ This old proverb has been renowned and repeated through the decades, declaring that it is impossible to retrain someone or something that is aged and set in its ways.