The Power of Choice: Why Autonomy Is the Most Effective Motivator

paint swatches

By: Michael McQueen

More than any other point in history, our era idolises the individual. Especially in the West, our ideals, advertising and algorithms place the individual at centre stage of their own lives. Laws, instructions and requests that once would have been seen as serving the greater good are now likely to be interpreted as fundamental threats to freedom and autonomy. Continue reading “The Power of Choice: Why Autonomy Is the Most Effective Motivator”

How to Do the Things…….. From a Champion Procrastinator

alarm clock

By: Lorrene McClymont

I am a champion procrastinator. I know what I need to do to get things done, but then it all piles up and I feel completely overwhelmed, worry that it won’t be perfect, and consequently do none of the things. I have put together a few tips that have really helped me start to move instead of being frozen. Continue reading “How to Do the Things…….. From a Champion Procrastinator”

Leading Effective Teams When Working From Home


By: McCrindle

When it comes to leading teams that thrive, the world in which leaders do this has undergone seismic shifts. Some of these shifts include portfolio careers, technological change and of course, the transformational shifts brought on by COVID-19. Almost overnight, the office-bound workforce globally relocated to their homes – and have kept working that way since. Continue reading “Leading Effective Teams When Working From Home”

How to Spot Trends

white architecture on blue sky

By: McCrindle

Being a futurist is an interesting profession. For some it conjures an image of a crystal ball. For others, excel spreadsheets. It may come as a surprise that, in fact, no one can predict the future with certainty. But we can prepare for it. By observing the changes and thinking about what will influence the future, leaders and organisations can be better prepared for what is to come. Continue reading “How to Spot Trends”