We all like a good celebration – a reason to rejoice – especially when it is something to do with us that is being celebrated! Continue reading “The Reason to Rejoice”
Consider This Before You Quiet Quit
By: City Bible Forum
There’s been a lot of buzz about “quiet quitting”, which began with a series of TikTok videos talking about the woes of the hustle culture and how we ought to take back our lives. Continue reading “Consider This Before You Quiet Quit”
Saving Face is a Necessary Art – Even When the Face Isn’t Yours
By: Michael McQueen
The human instinct to avoid social humiliation is deep. Psychologists point to shame as being one of the deepest fears held nearly universally by human beings, coming close to the fear of death. Continue reading “Saving Face is a Necessary Art – Even When the Face Isn’t Yours”
The Christian Origins of Halloween
By: Justin Rouillon
It’s that time of year when the shops have been decorated with skulls, gravestones and all things spooky, but what should a Christian response to Halloween be?
The secular version of Halloween as we know it was heavily commercialised in the early and mid 20th century, with much of the celebration having its roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced Soh-nn).
Samhain celebrated the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter, the dark time of the year that was often associated with death. The Celts believed that at this time of year the gap between the spiritual world and the physical world would draw closer – a thin place where humans walked in two worlds, and where the ghosts of those departed would be more likely to return to.
This is where much of the modern, secular versions of Halloween come from. But for centuries before its commercialisation, Christians observed the holy days of All Hallows (Saints) and All Souls Day on November 1 and 2. All Hallows Eve (October 31) was reserved for the remembrance of family members who had passed away, along with prayers and fasting ahead of the feast days.

Paul Blom is a Catholic educator and says that for his family, it’s a time of year for remembering the traditional Christian observances.
“November is the month set aside to remember the dead, and in a special way we are invited to remember our family and friends who have died, especially those who have passed away in the previous year. We can also extend those thoughts in a wider sense, by remembering and thanking those that have positively influenced us in our lives.”
Paul also said that there are a number of ways that Christians can use the secular version of Halloween to remind them of the religious and spiritual meaning of the original celebrations.
“Perhaps you can remember the sacrifice of Jesus, and more importantly, his resurrection that brings heaven closer to our reality.
“Take time to pray and remember those who have played an important part in your life’s journey, and who have formed you into the person you are today.
“Find a quiet place of solitude, where you can gather treasured memories and remember those who have shown us wisdom, those who stood by us, believed in you or encouraged your faith.”
Article supplied with thanks to 96five.
Photo by: Haley Phelps on Unsplash
From Winnie to Wedding Bells: Where is Danica McKellar Now?
By: Sharon Fitness
If you’re talking classic coming-of-age sitcoms, you’ve got to mention The Wonder Years, which ran from 1988 to 1993. Continue reading “From Winnie to Wedding Bells: Where is Danica McKellar Now?”
When a Jewish Thought Leader Flies the Flag for Christianity
By: Kristian Johnson
When a Jewish thought-leader is championing the cause of Christianity, you know there’s got to be good reason. Continue reading “When a Jewish Thought Leader Flies the Flag for Christianity”
“Koalas Are in Trouble” But You Can Help Protect Them
By: Amy Cheng
Dr Kara Youngentob, a wildlife ecologist at the Australian National University, believes it’s important to protect koalas as they play an important role in a healthy Australian forest ecosystem. Continue reading ““Koalas Are in Trouble” But You Can Help Protect Them”
Faith has a Powerful Message for Mental Health Struggles
By: Amy Cheng
Understanding that we are children of God, and the hope that brings us, can help us better manage and tackle mental health, a Sydney pastor has said. Continue reading “Faith has a Powerful Message for Mental Health Struggles”
Finding Hope Through Postnatal Depression
By: Georgia Free
Mirette Abraham is an incredible woman – a wife, a mother of two daughters, and an oncologist in training. She spends every day walking with people through the hardest days of their lives. Continue reading “Finding Hope Through Postnatal Depression”
‘The Faith of Elvis’: Billy Stanley Recounts the Prayers of an Icon
By: Laura Bennett
In the recent Elvis movie the life one of the most successful superstars was explored with Baz Luhrman giving it the glitzy Hollywood treatment only he can. Continue reading “‘The Faith of Elvis’: Billy Stanley Recounts the Prayers of an Icon”