True Crime and Faith, in ‘Evil Good’ – the Feature Film Debut of Hillsong Channel

By: Laura Bennett

The true crime genre has taken off in recent years. In the last few months alone we’ve seen people get duped through online dating (The Tinder Swindler), cheated out of multiple millions by cunning imposters (Inventing Anna) and have their lives put at risk by those employed to save them (Dr. Death).
Continue reading “True Crime and Faith, in ‘Evil Good’ – the Feature Film Debut of Hillsong Channel”

The Power of Choice: Why Autonomy Is the Most Effective Motivator

By: Michael McQueen

More than any other point in history, our era idolises the individual. Especially in the West, our ideals, advertising and algorithms place the individual at centre stage of their own lives. Laws, instructions and requests that once would have been seen as serving the greater good are now likely to be interpreted as fundamental threats to freedom and autonomy. Continue reading “The Power of Choice: Why Autonomy Is the Most Effective Motivator”