Aid Agencies, Celebrities, Churches and Leaders Get Behind the ‘End COVID For All’ Campaign

By: Clare Bruce

An army of Australia’s major aid agencies, faith groups and educational institutions, backed by several major celebrities, have joined a campaign calling on the Australian government to increase its support for our “international neighbours” in the COVID-19 crisis. Continue reading “Aid Agencies, Celebrities, Churches and Leaders Get Behind the ‘End COVID For All’ Campaign”

Amid the Devastation in Beirut, Aid Agencies Are Racing to Help

Above: (L) Caritas in Beirut prepares food aid; (R) Samaritan’s Purse packs emergency supplies.

By: Clare Bruce

A week after the deadly ammonium nitrate blast in the Port of Beirut – which killed over 200 people and left 300,000 without a home – international aid agencies are now racing to help with the clean-up and relief efforts. Continue reading “Amid the Devastation in Beirut, Aid Agencies Are Racing to Help”