Her Marriage Struggled Off-Screen, Too: Sarah Drew, Star of ‘Indivisible’ & Grey’s Anatomy

By: Laura Bennett

One of the best things about movies is when they hit close to home, and you feel like they’re written just for you. For Grey’s Anatomy star Sarah Drew, it was her own marriage struggle that made her sign on to her new movie, Indivisible. Continue reading “Her Marriage Struggled Off-Screen, Too: Sarah Drew, Star of ‘Indivisible’ & Grey’s Anatomy”

Genetics, God and the Future of Humanity

By: Anne Rinaudo

Dr Denis Alexander from Cambridge University, is a neuroscientist who believes passionately in both the biblical doctrine of creation and the coherence of evolutionary theory. He was recently in Australia to deliver the 2018 New College Lectures, “Genetics: God and the Future of Humanity”. This year marks the 25th year of the New College Lectures. Continue reading “Genetics, God and the Future of Humanity”