7 Things to Say to Boost Your Child’s Self Esteem

self esteem child

By: Dr Justin Coulson

Self-esteem means liking who you are, and feeling like you’re “ok”. Having high levels of self-esteem is correlated with better outcomes in life – especially for our children. Kids with high self-esteem are more satisfied with life, have better relationships, do better in school, and are physically and mentally healthier. But this doesn’t mean that self-esteem causes these things. In fact, it could be the other way around: these things might cause self-esteem! Continue reading “7 Things to Say to Boost Your Child’s Self Esteem”

What Your Kids Need When They Don’t Do What They’re Asked


By: Dr Justin Coulson | Happy Families

Dear Dr Justin,

My children don’t do anything they’re told. I’ve tried everything. I withdraw privileges and use time out and even smacking them won’t work with them. I’m tired of yelling. Nothing works no matter what I do to them. I’m seriously over it. I have a girl whose 3, a boy whose 8, and a girl who is 11. Continue reading “What Your Kids Need When They Don’t Do What They’re Asked”