When Is It Ok to Leave Your Child Home Alone?

home keys

By: Dr Justin Coulson

I was born in the 1970s, and raised in a lower-to-middle-class suburb. Mum and Dad ran their own business and they both worked long hours. This meant that when I was a kid, I let myself into the house every afternoon after school, and I was free to play anywhere in the neighbourhood until my parents returned home from work. I spent the afternoons riding my bike down to the park or to the shops with my best mate Andy. Continue reading “When Is It Ok to Leave Your Child Home Alone?”

Learn How to Develop Emotional Intelligence

emotional intelligence

By: Dr Justin Coulson

The bell had just rung for the end of recess. Children were heading back to their classrooms, and Year 1 teacher Mrs Boonen was preparing to return to hers when she noticed one of her students stumbling across the playground towards her, fists clenched, rubbing her eyes, sobbing. Mrs Boonen crouched to the ground and extended her arms to Amelia, and the six-year-old rushed into her teacher’s embrace. Continue reading “Learn How to Develop Emotional Intelligence”