Is Your Workplace Psychologically Safe? Can You Speak Up?

Two women talking at work

By: Monica Jacob

From the WorkLife podcast episode:  Is it Safe to Speak Up at Work?

Psychological safety is a climate in which one feels one has the freedom to be candid and where interpersonal ‘risks’ such as making mistakes, speaking up, raising concerns and sharing half-baked ideas feel doable, sans the fear of being reprimanded. Continue reading “Is Your Workplace Psychologically Safe? Can You Speak Up?”

Third Time Around Still Carries Some Charm in ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3’

By: Laura Bennett

After seeing the horrendous pre-promotional poster for My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 I’ll admit my expectations for the movie were low, but now having watched it I’ve realised the cringe was all a ploy to lower the bar enough for anything on screen to feel like elevation. Continue reading “Third Time Around Still Carries Some Charm in ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3’”

AI and Christian Faith: What Does the Bible Have to Say?

AI graphic artwork

By: Akos Balogh

[The following is an edited version of the talk I gave on ‘Christian Faith and AI’, at a Men’s Breakfast at Anglican Churches Springwood (NSW), on Saturday Sep 16th 2023]

In the iconic 1993 movie Terminator 2, the AI Terminator Robot played by Arnold Schwarzenegger tells his human companions Sarah Connor and Joel Connor how Skynet was built. Continue reading “AI and Christian Faith: What Does the Bible Have to Say?”