‘A Lasting Tale’ Helps Families to Capture Our Elders Memories

Senior Woman wearing a wedding band

By: Laura Bennett

These days we are inundated with pictures of our everyday lives. Sure, our social media may only capture the highlights, but as you scroll back through your phone’s camera roll, most of us would have a fairly good diary of key millstones, family events, and the many times our cat looked cute while sleeping.
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How to Do Friendship With the Opposite Sex – God Conversations

Guy and a girl sitting in a car - friendship with the opposite sex

By: Tania Harris

Back in the first century, it wasn’t normal for men and women to be friends. They didn’t meet for coffee in morning tea breaks or discuss current affairs over the water-cooler. They didn’t sit next to each other in the synagogues and swap ideas about their theology. They certainly didn’t discuss their spiritual lives by the village well.

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